Tuesday 31 May 2016

Why make Dua when all matters are decreed?

Many of us hold the view that why make dua to Allah, when He has already preordained all matters? Withholding dua with this idea (or any other) in mind is a serious mistake and we would be missing on the blessings of Allah.
It was narrated from Ibn ‘Umar (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said:
“Dua may be of benefit with regard to what has already happened or what has not yet happened, so adhere to dua, O slaves of Allah.”
[Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi, 3548 and classed as hasan by Al-Albaani in Saheeh Al-Jaami’, 3409]
In a hadith it says:
“The decree cannot be overturned except by dua.”
[Fataawa Noor ‘ala al-Darb by Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him)]
Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said in Majmoo’ Al-Fataawa [8/69]:
If a person says that he does not say dua or ask of Allah, because he relies on the divine decree, he is also erring, because Allah has made dua and asking means of attaining His forgiveness, mercy, guidance, support and provision. If good is decreed for a person he will attain by means of dua what he cannot attain without dua. What Allah has decreed and knows with regard to His slaves’ circumstances and destinies is only decreed on the basis of means, and decrees will be fulfilled at the appointed times. There is everything that happens in this world or in the Hereafter happens on the basis of cause and effect; Allah is the Creator of both cause and effect.
Disregarding the principle of cause and effect is contrary to reason.
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said in Al-Majmoo’ Al-Thameen min Fataawa Fadeelat Al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih Al-‘Uthaymeen [1/157]:
Dua is one of the means by which what is asked for is attained. In fact it wards off the divine decree and nothing wards off the divine decree except dua, and that may happen in two ways. For example, a sick person may pray to Allah for healing and be healed, and were it not for the dua he would have remained sick, but he was healed by means of the dua. But we say: Allah decreed that the sick person would be healed from this sickness by means of dua, and this is what was decreed. He thinks that were it not for the dua he would have remained sick, but in fact he did not ward off the divine decree, because the basic principle is that dua was decreed and that the healing would come by means of this dua, and this is the original decree that was decreed from eternity. The same applies to everything that is decreed to happen through some means or cause. Allah has made this means the cause for the thing to happen, and that was decreed from eternity, before it happened.

The Month of Shaaban and Misconceptions Related to its Virtues

Based on the ahadith of the Prophet and the interpretation of the ahadith, it is mustahab to fast a great deal in the month of Shaa’ban.  It was narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to fast the whole of Sha’baan.
Ahmad (26022), Abu Dawood (2336), al-Nasaa’i (2175) and Ibn Maajah (1648) narrated that Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “I never saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) fast two consecutive months apart from the fact that he used to join Shaa’ban and Ramadan.”
However, there are many other practices related to the month of Shaaban common among Muslims that are not supported by any authentic hadith of the prophet (s). This post summarizes some of those mistakenly held beliefs. Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali said: “Concerning the virtue of the night of the fifteenth of Shaaban there are numerous ahaadeeth, concerning which the scholars differed, but most of them classed those ahadeeth of the prophet (s) as da’eef (weak), and Ibn Hibbaan classed some of them as saheeh.” (Lataa’if al-Ma’aazif, 261.)
Similar to other matters, care should be taken to verify those ahadeeth, even though some of those ahadeeth mention a chain of narrators. As Muslims, we have been cautioned to not attribute anything to the prophet (s) that he (s) did not say. It makes no difference whether such an attribution is intended for good or for evil intentions. We see that in the stern warning contained in the words of the prophet (s.a.w.) in which he said: “Whoever tells a lie about me deliberately, let him take his place in Hell.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari, 10; Muslim, 4.) (Source: islamqa.info).
Here is an explanation of some of those mistakenly held beliefs and the various explanations of the known scholars of Ahl-us-Sunnah (followers of the Sunnah of the prophet.)

No special virtues for middle of Shabaan

One of the very common but mistaken beliefs has to do with attributing special virtues to the 15th of the month of Shaaban. The reality, however, is that the hadith literature lacks the evidence of any authentic ahadith related to this topic. Shaykh Ibn Jibreen states the following:
There is no saheeh marfoo’ report (A Hadith that traces a statement directly to the Noble Prophet (saw) without any break in the chain of reporters) that speaks of the virtue of the middle of Sha’baan that may be followed, not even  in the chapters on al-Fadaa’il (chapters on virtues in books of hadeeth etc.). Some maqtoo’ reports (reports whose chain of narrations do not go back further than the time of Taabi’een) have been narrated from some of the Taabi’een, and there are some ahaadeeth, the best of which are mawdoo’ (fabricated) or da’eef jiddan (very weak). These (weak) reports suggest that people’s lifespans are written on that day or that it is decided on that day who is to die in the coming year. On this basis (lack of any authentic hadith), it is not prescribed to spend this night in prayer or to fast on this day, or to single it out for certain acts of worship. One should not be deceived by (such ignorance)… And Allah knows best.

Singling out the Middle of Shaaban for special worship is not allowed

Based on the above, therefore, the middle of the month of Shaaban should not be singled out for special worship. In this context, the scholars have stated the following:
if a person wants to pray qiyaam on this night as he does on other nights – without doing anything extra or singling this night out for anything – then that is fine. The same applies if he fasts the day of the fifteenth of Shaaban because it happens to be one of the ayyaam al-beed, along with the fourteenth and thirteenth of the month, or because it happens to be a Monday or Thursday. If the fifteenth (of Shaaban ) coincides with a Monday or Thursday, there is nothing wrong with that (fasting on that day), so long as he is not seeking extra reward that has not been proven (in the saheeh hadith texts).” (islamqa.info)

Fasting on the last day of Shaaban is not allowed

The third issue has to do with fasting on the last day of Shaaban, which is also referred to as the “day of doubt.” It is so called because at times it is not possible to ascertain whether that day is the start of Ramadan or not. There are a number of ahadith and scholarly opinions on this issue some of which are as follows:
‘Ammaar ibn Yaasir said: “Whoever fasts on the day concerning which there is doubt has disobeyed Abu’l-Qaasim (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).” This was narrated by al-Tirmidhi and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 553.
Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar said: “It was understood from this that it is haraam to fast the day of doubt, because the Sahaabah would not say such a thing based on personal opinion, so a report such as this has the same status as a marfoo’ hadeeth. 
The Prophet (S) said: “Do not anticipate Ramadaan by fasting one or two days before it begins, but if a man habitually fasts, then let him fast.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1914; Muslim, 1082. So if a person is used to fasting on Mondays, for example, and that coincides with the last day of Sha’baan, then it is permissible for him to observe that as a voluntary fast and it is not forbidden for him to do so.
The scholars have stated concerning the day of doubt, “The Sunnah indicates that it is haraam to fast this day (last day of Shaaban).” (Fataawa al-Lajnah, 10/117). 

Weakness of the Hadith Related to Forgiveness on the 15th of Shaaban

A weak hadith that is circulated on this issue states that it was narrated from Abu Moosa al-Ash’ari that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah looks down on the night of the fifteenth of Shaaban and forgives all his creation except a mushrik or one who harbors hatred against the Muslims.” Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 1390. (The “one who harbors hatred against the Muslims” means one who has enmity towards a Muslim brother.)
There is some scholarly difference of opinion as to the soundness of such ahaadeeth. There is no saheeh hadeeth concerning the virtue of the night of the fifteenth of Shaaban, especially as it relates to Allah descending to forgive sins. For such ahadith, the isnaads (chain of narrations) are not free of some weakness, and some of them are very weak. Many other scholars have attributed this hadith to be as weak because of the weakness of the chain of narrators.
The scholars have maintained that Allah’s descending to the first heaven does not only happen on the night of the fifteenth of Shaaban, rather it is proven in al-Saheehayn and elsewhere that Allah descends to the first heaven every night, in the last third of the night. The night of the fifteenth of Shaaban is included in this general meaning.
Hence, when ‘Abd-Allaah ibn al-Mubaarak was asked about the descent of Allah on the night of the fifteenth of Shaaban, he said to the one who asked him: “…The night of the fifteenth?! He descends every night!” (Narrated by Abu ‘Uthmaan al-Saabooni in I’tiqaad Ahl al-Sunnah, no. 92.)
Wa Allahu a'lam

Making Dua for something ‘sinful’?

Do you sometimes make dua that involves a sin? If yes, then that’s something to be avoided completely. How can one ask Allah for something that He, the Exalted, has forbidden us? Instead, we should ask Allah for showing us the guidance to stay away from such haram and sinful things. If we have to ask Allah through dua, let’s not ask what is forbidden, but let’s ask to stay away from the forbidden.
According to Abu Saeed Al-Khudri (RA) said: The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:
“There is no Muslim who calls upon Allah with a dua in which there is no sin or severing of family ties, but He will give him one of three things: either He will answer his prayer, or He will store up an equal amount of good (reward) for him, or He will ward off an equal amount of evil from him.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, then we shall say a lot of dua?” He said, “Allah is Most Generous.”
[Narrated by Ahmad, 10709; Al-Mundhiri classed its isnaad as jayyid in Al-Targheeb wa’l-Tarheeb, 2/479; Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar classed it as Saheeh in Al-Fath, 11/115]
Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said:
The dua in which there is no transgression will be answered, or else the person will be given something equal to it. This is the best response. For the thing that he asked for may be unattainable or may be harmful to the person who prayed or to someone else, but he is ignorant and unaware of the harmful elements in it. But the Lord is Close and Ever-Responsive, and He is more compassionate towards His slaves than a mother towards her child. And He is the Most Generous, Most Merciful: if He is asked for a specific thing and He knows that giving it is not in the best interests of His slave, He will give him something of equal value, as a father does for his child when he asks him for something that is not good for him, so he gives him something of equal worth, and for Allah is the highest description.
[Majmoo’ Al-Fataawa, 14/368]
 Wa Allahu a'lam

Achieving “Khushu” and a Positive State of Mind

We have all heard about the importance of inculcating Khushu in our prayers. It refers to a state of mind when we stand in front of Allah and fully direct our minds and hearts towards Him. Ibn al-Qayyim defined Khushu as a state “. . . when the heart feels aware and humble before the greatness and glory of Allah, and is filled with awe, fear and shyness . . .” (Al-Rooh, p. 314).

Anything less not only diminishes the rewards of our worship and Ibadah but we should consider it as a sign of our disregard for our creator, as well as a lost opportunity for our spiritual rejuvenation. After all, what good is being in front of anyone – let alone our creator and sustainer – when our minds and hearts are not focused on “the moment”?

Khushu – A Positive State of Mind

In psychological terms, we can liken this state of mind to a single-minded immersion of oneself with deep focus on the activity at hand and one that leads to maximum performance. We know that our state of mind, directly or indirectly, impacts almost everything that we do in life. A bad state of mind can have a debilitating effect on our overall performance, shows its effects on our outward appearances, and in general becomes a hindrance to bringing out the best in us. On the other hand, we also know the good feelings associated with being in a good state of mind. It makes us feel livelier and more productive, and life generally seems more fulfilling.
Needless to say, we must find ways to get in the right states of minds to maximize our performance for any given activity or else we can expect subpar results. The activity of “Prayers” or salat is no exception to that rule. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) alluded to something similar in that we get only a portion of the reward for our prayers depending on the level of our efforts. He said: “A slave may pray and have nothing recorded for it except a tenth of it, or a ninth, or an eighth, or a seventh, or a sixth, or a fifth, or a quarter, or a third, or a half” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad; Saheeh al-Jaami’, 1626).

The Tendency to Get Distracted

However, voluntarily getting in a focused state of mind and staying there is easier said than done. Many a time we tend to get sidetracked by our own thoughts. As for prayers, the reality is that as soon as we enter the state of prayers, various thoughts rush into our minds distracting us from the state of worship. These distractions also include satanic whispers, also referred to as “waswaas” (insinuating thoughts from Shaytaan) and sometimes reach to a level where the act of worship fails to deliver any notable spiritual value.
Sadly, this lack of control on our thoughts and states of our minds not only deprives us from establishing a relationship with our creator but also prevents us from bringing calm to our jittery nerves and lives in general. Among other things, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) relied on prayers to provide him comfort and mental calm. He once said, “The source of my delight is the prayer” (authenticated by Al-Albani). He also used to ask Bilal to give the Adhan for the prayer by saying: “Give us comfort by it, O Bilal.”

Stepping towards Khushu and a Positive State of Mind

Inculcating Khushu in our prayers, therefore, is about getting in the right state of mind where we are fully guarding our thoughts from any distractions and focused on Allah and the various prayer invocations. Besides spiritual rejuvenation, the practice of Khushu also teaches us to induce a positive state of mind for any other moment or activity by teaching us to keep distracting thoughts at bay and enabling us to focus on the task at hand with the heart and mind fully immersed.
So, what can we do to get in the right state of mind to help us perform optimally? The following are some tips that can come in handy:
Get passionate about the activity: One way to get in a positive state of mind so you may excel at a task is to ensure that you develop a passion for it. The more passionate you feel about doing something, the less likelihood there is to get distracted from that activity. We know this from our hypnotic interest in the many TV shows, movies, and numerous other entertainment episodes that occupy our minds on a daily basis. So, if you complain about reduced khushu levels in your prayers, you ought to assess your passion and level of interest in prayers and your relationship with your creator. How does it compare with your life’s other passions and interests? A reduced interest drives you to rush through prayers so that you can get back to your other activities of interest. The reason behind your poor khushu levels, therefore, may be rooted in your lack of interest to pray in the first place.
For some of us, this may be a harsh reality check but until our behavior proves otherwise, our priorities may be skewed.
You can get over this problem by spending time (when you are not praying) to learn and internalize the merits and rewards of prayer. That can help you go a long way in raising your passion for prayers and other forms of worship, thus minimizing the likelihood of getting distracted. In this context, we should remind ourselves of what Allah said about developing the right khushu in prayers. He said in the Quran (interpretation of the meaning),
“Successful indeed are the believers, those who offer their salah (prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness” [Surah al-Mu’minoon 23:1-2]”.
Remember, the more passion you fill in your mind and heart about anything, the less vacuum you leave for the distracting thoughts to fill the void when you are involved in that activity.
Prepare for the activity before the activity: Another sure method to help one perform optimally in any activity is to get mentally ready for that activity beforehand. Athletes do it regularly. We do it too before getting ready for any challenging activity (taking an exam, for example). This preparation before the actual event helps clear the clutter from our minds that maybe lingering from previous activities. As far as prayers are concerned, performing ablution, the high value associated with making dua before obligatory prayers in congregation, sunnah prayers, and so on are some of the things that can get us in the right state of mind before we start the obligatory prayers.
Be mindful of the activity: To ward off distracting and negative thoughts, psychologists and psychotherapists also recommend the use of “mindfulness”. Mindfulness helps in directing your consciousness to what you really want at the moment rather than letting negative thoughts pull your mind from one distraction to another. Being mindful in prayers can help you consciously guard your state of mind from being poisoned by negative thoughts as well as satanic whispers (waswas). While praying, be mindful of the meanings of the invocations of your prayers. Done repetitively, this voluntary control can gradually help you control your state of mind and achieve high levels of Khushu.

In Summary…

Khushu, therefore, is an ideal practice to help you increase the quality of your prayers that, as the prophet told us, can bring delight and calm to your lives and help bond with your creator and sustainer. The psychological underpinnings of this practice can also help you master the art of getting in the right state of mind for other activities too. It can also help keep unpleasant thoughts from the past at bay and also to stop related feelings of anxiety. That can come in quite handy in your relationships, at work, and in other aspects of your lives.
To get the ebook “33 Ways of developing Khushoo’ in Salaah” click here…
— End

Monday 30 May 2016

TASUED Post-UTME/DE 2016: Date, Cut-off Mark, Eligibility And Registration Details

The Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) has announced its Post-UTME/DE screening exercise for 2016/2017 academic session.

Candidates who chose TASUED as their first most preferred institution in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), and scored a minimum of 180 in UTME.

Direct Entry candidates who chose TASUED as their first most preferred and/or second most preferred institution for the Academic Session and have applied through Joint Admission And Matriculation Board (JAMB).

Candidates seeking a change of institution to TASUED through JAMB, having scored a minimum of 180 in UTME.

Direct Entry candidates seeking a change of institution to Tai Solarin University of Education and obtained Direct Entry JAMB form.

Candidates should apply online with the payment of application fee of One thousand naira only (#1,000.00). In addition, a processing fee of six thousand two hundred naira only (#6,200) for first choice candidates and Nine thousand two hundred naira (#9200) for categories of candidates in (iii) and (iv) above seeking change of institution to TASUED, payable with Master card or VISA ATM card (Please print out your receipt after payment)

-Visit the TASUED website by typing www.tasued.edu.ng on the web page. NB: Only the www.tasued.edu.ng has the legitimate and authentic platform for the post UTME registration form.

-Click Post-UTME Registration Form. Candidates are strongly advised to click the University Degree Brochure and carefully study the O-Level requirements for the courses applied for, before registration on the TASUED website, www.tasued.edu.ng

-Complete the Registration Form by providing the required information;

-Submit your form by clicking submit button.

-Print out an identification slip containing your colour passport photograph. The printed slip will serve as candidate's identification/admission card for the screening test

Note that false information provided by any candidate shall be detected by the special TASUED software application and such candidates shall be disqualified.

Screening shall be conducted on Thursday, 16th June, 2016 for all UTME candidates at the Main Campus of the University, by 7.00am. The screening date for Direct Entry (200 Level) applicants shall be announced at a later date.

Candidates' participation in the screening exercise is a mandatory requirement for entry into Tai Solarin University of Education.


First Name
Middle Name
Date of Birth
Passport Size Picture (File Size: 20KB max, File Format: JPEG (i.e. jpg)

Academic Data
JAMB Registration Number
Post O-Level Qualifications obtained with grade (where applicable)
UTME Score (Range: 180-400) (where applicable).
Candidates are advised to come with their JAMB Original Result slip that nears their passport photograph.
Detailed O-Level Results

Application Deadline
The sale of online form/registration commences on Friday, 27th May, 2016 and closes Wednesday 15th June, 2016.

Friday 27 May 2016

EKSU Post-UTME 2016: Date, Eligibility, Cut-off And Registration Details

Image result for eksu
The sales of Post-UTME form of the Ekiti State University (EKSU) for 2016/2017 academi
c session has commenced.

The screening is open to candidates who chose EKSU in the 2016 UTME and scored 180 and above.
All Direct Entry Candidates with not less than Upper Credit are directed to participate in the screening exam in order to secure admission.
EKSU will only admit candidates that made at least 5 credit passes in SSCE/NECO/WASC/NABTEB in the relevant subjects at two sittings only.

Method Of Application:
Application will commence from Tuesday, 31st May, 2016 via the university portal; https://eportal.eksu.edu.ng/
Interested candidates are to visit the e-portal and generate payment slip with their JAMB Reg. No. for the payment of the sum of Five Thousand Naira (5,000.00) only covering registration, processing and downloading of past questions to any branch of the following banks through e-tranzact platform and obtain a confirmation code which will be on the e-tranzact receipt.
The confirmation codes will be used to register online by the candidates with their JAMB reg number and upload a 1" x 1" coloured passport photograph in red background and JPEG format only. Preview, confirm, submit and IMMEDIATELY print-out an acknowledgement slip.
Screening Date And details
Eksu Post UTME screening exam will hold between Monday 4th, July to Saturday 9th July, 2016 at the university campus.

Candidates are to come for the screening with the following;
a. JAMB Registration Slip.
b. Acknowledgment Slip printed out from the University portal.
c. 1"x1" recent passport with red background used for Post UTME registration.
d. JAMB Original Result Slip.
Candidates are to report at the University Auditorium on the day of the exam for necessary briefing. Failure to attend the screening exam will cause the candidate to forfeit admission.

Application Deadline

Application portal closes on midnight of Friday 1st July, 2016.

Thursday 26 May 2016

OOU Post-UTME Result 2016 Has Been Released - Check Yours Now

This is to inform all candidates who participated in the 2016 Post-UTME screening exercise of Onabisi Onabanjo University that the result of the post-UTME screening has been released.
How To Check Your Result
1.To check your result, visit http://putme.oouagoiwoye.edu.ng/page/check_result.php

2.Enter your JAMB Registration Number in the space provided

3.Click on "Check Result" to access your Post-UTME score



My people. Its here again. The annual school leaver's get together for all school leavers.
Theme: The Rock.
Lecturer: Mallam Abdur-Rasheed Adeoye
Venue: Brainnards Educational Consult

            16, Lawani, Off Odo-Eran, Itire, Lagos.
Time: 11a.m.
Come one come all.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Common Mistakes in Raising Children

 Having difficulty dealing with children has become a widespread phenomenon. Many parents seem to be quite at loss when it comes to enforcing good morals in their children. Research has shown that some parents use fruitless styles to achieve this goal. 
There are certain common mistakes parents make in bringing up their children -- both boys and girls. Parents may commit these mistakes out of either ignorance or negligence, despite meaning well. Ultimately, these parenting mistakes have negative repercussions on the righteousness and good qualities of the children.
The following are some of these mistakes:

Rebuking children for every error: Despising and rebuking the child for every mistake he commits, in a way that makes him feel humiliated and inferior. This is a great mistake committed by some educators. The right way is to warn the child gently and leniently, and convince him why he should avoid his wrong behavior.
Reprimanding children publicly: If the educator feels the need to reprimand the child or admonish him, this should not be done in front of his siblings or friends; rather he should advise him alone.
Punishing children too harshly: Punishing children too harshly is a big parenting mistake. Researchers studying child behavior state that discipline is effective only when it is mild. For example, "time out" should not be for more than a few minutes, and depriving the child from some of his privileges should not be prolonged beyond one day.
Excessive pampering: Excessive pampering of the child and showering affection -- especially by the mother -- will lead to serious consequences on the child's psyche and his behavior. It will increase his diffidence, make him introverted, increase his fear, weaken his self-confidence, and make him lag behind his peers.
Delaying the process of education: The idea of disdaining and neglecting the early education of the child is completely wrong. The process of educating the child and guiding him should start immediately after weaning. Parents should start directing the child, guide him, command him to do certain things and not to do others, promise to reward him and threaten to punish him, and inculcate the love of good deeds and hatred of bad ones.
Accustoming children to laziness: Another aspect of parenting mistakes is when the mother, as a kind of mercy and kindness towards her child, does not allow him to take up activities and chores that he is capable of doing. This mistake makes the child lose his spirit of cooperation with the family in all aspects of life, especially in the sphere of performing his duties in service of the household. This causes the child to be dependent on others, lose his self-confidence and accustoms him to laziness.
Being overprotective: Some mothers commit another mistake by not letting the child stray far from her eyes even for a moment, fearing that he will be harmed. In fact, such over-protectiveness harms the child and does not benefit him.
Treating children unjustly: Favoring some children over others, whether in giving gifts or in kind treatment or in love, is another great mistake. Parents should be fair and just with their children.
Disparaging children: Disparaging children by silencing them or making fun of them when they talk and express themselves is another mistake. Consequently, the child will be less confident, less courageous in talking and expressing himself, and more shy in front of people.
Disregarding their feelings: Children need to be able to examine their feelings about things. One of the most common mistakes parents make is disregard their children's feelings - by telling them not to cry, for example. A better way to approach such a case is to show compassion towards them by letting children know that you know how they feel.
Compromising established rules: If parents make rules, the need to be ready to enforce them. Parents are not expected to set military standards for discipline for their children, but children should know that when parents say "No" it certainly means nothing else but "No". When kids learn that parents will not give in to their fits, they will simply stop throwing them.
Setting a bad example: Finally, committing forbidden acts in front of children like smoking, listening to music or watching movies is another vital mistake. Undoubtedly, this makes the parents and the educators bad examples to children.

Monday 23 May 2016

Senior Hezbollah commander killed in Syria

Lebanon’s Shia Hezbollah group announced Friday that one of its senior commanders in Syria has been killed.
In a statement, Hezbollah said that Mustafa Badreddine, a field commander in Syria and a suspect in the assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafic Hariri, was killed on Tuesday in a blast near Damascus International Airport.
It is still unclear if the explosion was caused by an airstrike or by artillery shelling, the statement added.
Badreddine had taken part in most of Hezbollah’s operations since 1982. According to Hezbollah-affiliated media, he had been in Syria since 2011.islamweb.net
PHOTO CAPTION Hezbollah members carry the coffin of top Hezbollah commander Mustafa Badreddine, who was killed in an attack in Syria, as his brother mourns his death during his funeral in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon, May 13, 2016. (Reuters)

KWASU Post-UTME Result 2016/2017 Released - Check Yours Now!

Image result for KWASU Post-UTME Result 2016This is to inform candidates who participated in the 2016 Post-UTME screening exercise of Kwara State University (KWASU) that the result of the screening has been released.

How To Check KWASU 2016 Post-UTME Result

To check your result, visit http://www.kwasu.edu.ng/portal/#
and follow the instruction below;

1. Click on Login Under POST-UTME CANDIDATES
2. Provide your Application Number /RegistrationNumber and your Surname (as provided during registration)
3. View Your Result
4. Click on Print POST-UTME Result Under My Menu to Print out your resul.

UNIABUJA Issues 'No Work, No Pay’ Warning To Striking Staff Members

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Image result for NLC latest news

The management of University of Abuja (UniAbuja) has disclosed that it may enforce the “no work no pay’’ directive on unions that joined Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) strike over the recent increase in fuel price.
The unions are the local branches of Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities SSANU) and Non-Academic Staff of Nigerian Universities (NASU).

This was contained in a statement issued by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Michael Adikwu, on Sunday in Abuja.

According to him, the warning was in compliance with the directive from the Federal Government.

He called on all involved to return to work without further delay in the interest of the growth and stability of the university.